- Besides service animals, pets are not allowed at these festivals. Emotional support animals are not allowed.
-we close early at 5pm both days
-no entry after 4:15pm
-bring your own wagon
-no solicitors, flyering, collecting signatures
-we recommend bringing cash in case technology fails
-we do not accept bills larger than $20
-no RV/buses
- Besides service animals, pets are not allowed at these festivals. Emotional support animals are not allowed.
-we close early at 5pm both days
-no entry after 4:15pm
-bring your own wagon
-no solicitors, flyering, collecting signatures
-we recommend bringing cash in case technology fails
-we do not accept bills larger than $20
-no RV/buses
-be respectful and follow directions of our VOLUNTEER parkers to get you to your parking spot
Admission is the regular price for entering into our 68 acre facility with over 20 specialty gardens. $12 for Adults and $7 for children five to thirteen. A $2 discount is given for members of Kanapaha who can present their membership card with photo ID. Admission is only good for one day and can not be used for both days. We do not acc
Admission is the regular price for entering into our 68 acre facility with over 20 specialty gardens. $12 for Adults and $7 for children five to thirteen. A $2 discount is given for members of Kanapaha who can present their membership card with photo ID. Admission is only good for one day and can not be used for both days. We do not accept bills larger than twenty dollars. Besides service animals, pets are not allowed at these festivals. Emotional support animals are not allowed.
March 22 & 23, 2025
9 am - 5 pm
no entry 45 before closing (4:15pm)
We recently purchased 6 acres of land so that all parking is on-site during our special events; we no longer have shuttle parking. Parking is free. To help this event run smoothly, we need guests to follow our VOLUNTEER parkers instructions to guide you to your parking location. The flow of traffic is only one way during the event. Guests who refuse to follow parking instruction (drive the wrong way, speed past our parkers etc) pose a safety hazard to our other guests and will be escorted off the property.
Be aware that you may pass open spots/lots while being directed further to park because certain areas have handicap / small vehicle / oversize vehicle etc. designations. Please "go with the flow" and trust that our parkers know what they are doing. When we are parking thousands of cars in a day, our parkers do not have time to stop and explain our parking process and any vehicle stopped asking questions holds up the entire line of traffic behind them.
The Spring Garden Festival is an annual celebration held at the Kanapaha Botanical Gardens located in southwest Gainesville, Florida. The Festival has over 100 booths including many where patrons can select from a variety of plants to add color, shade and beauty to their yards and gardens. Patrons can also purchase garden related products including tools, furniture and outdoor decorations.
In addition there are booths staffed by local gardening and environmental organizations where patrons can gather information about plants, ponds, pests, the environment at large, and a variety of other topics. There are also a number booths presented by artisans who create a wide range of fine arts and crafts for your home or garden. No festival would be complete without a large variety of foods available along with picnic areas where they can be enjoyed. The Festival has a stage featuring live local entertainers on Sunday.
The Spring Garden Festival is filled with activities and opportunities to gather information, and purchase plants or other garden related products. There is plenty of food, and entertainment, and seating areas so everyone can enjoy their stay at the festival. Comfortable shoes, broad brimmed hats and sunscreen can make the hours of meandering through the festival more enjoyable. The festival is located in grassy areas and under trees so we recommend strollers, walkers or wheelchairs with inflated tires. We do not provide a tote-n-carry service to transport purchased goods to your vehicle. For those of you who expect to purchase large plants, numerous small plants or many other items, we recommend that you bring a wagon or small pull cart.
This is Gainesville's premier horticultural event. The Spring Garden Festival features 100 booths offering plants, landscape displays, garden accessories, arts and crafts, educational exhibits and, of course, foods. Also featured are live entertainment on Sunday.
The main stage is located under a large live oak tree near the entrance to the Festival. Performances are scheduled on Sunday from 11am-4pm. Entertainment is provided by a diverse group of performers from folk dancers to drum ensembles. Tables and seating are provided under the tree so patrons can enjoy food from the adjacent vendors while they enjoy the entertainers on stage.
2025 Itinerary
12 PM: Emmett Carlisle
1 PM: Lost safari Drummers
2 PM: Klezmer Katz
3 PM: Brian McMahon Band
We will have informational booths set up in our building.
There are over 100 booths filled each year with a wide variety of garden related materials.
Each year over 50 booths are filled by local and regional nurseries and growers who bring a wide variety of plants to show and sell at the festival. Plants are available in a multitude of sizes and varieties including fruit trees, landscape trees, large potted plants, herbs, vegetables, and houseplants. Plants are available that will thrive in many conditions from sun to shade, in wet areas, dry areas, or even ponds and water features. Plants that are native to this area are featured alongside tropical or exotic selections. Local plant societies provide information and sell roses, bromeliads and other specialized plants as fundraisers for their organization.
Over 10 booths feature products to help in your gardening activities or to make your garden more beautiful. Vendors sell gardening tools, pots, birdhouses, wind chimes and yard art to fill that special spot in your garden. A number of booths have representatives available to discuss garden services from tree trimming to irrigation systems.
Over 30 booths contain a wide variety of nature inspired handmade products that can be used to beautify you home, garden or person. Stained glass, turned bowls, tee shirts, incense, soaps, and weathervanes are among the many items available from the Arts and Crafts booths.
Several booths present original art inspired by nature. These items include paintings, photographs, quilts and blown glass.
Information booths are set aside for local non-for profit plant societies and environmental organizations to present their specialties and answer questions from visitors. The Camellia and Orchids Societies exhibit plants grown by their members and answer questions from visitors. There are booths staffed by members of environmental organizations with specialized information that can help answer almost any environmental question that might be raised.
Please keep us in mind for our 2026 show and apply early as we fill up quickly.
Files coming soon.